Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Types of Boats

There are many types of boats available for the new or experienced boater.

Deciding what activities your family wishes to engage in is a starting place for buying a boat to suit your needs.

* Where will you be using your boat - rivers, lakes, ocean?
* How many people will be using the boat at one time?
* Do you want a portable boat or will it be kept at a dock?

A resource for answering a number of your questions is
boat types

Monday, June 2, 2008

B.C.'s Family Fishing - Father's Day Idea

An idea for spending family time together on Father's Day for Canadians is to take part in B.C.'s Family Fishing Weekend.

The event is now a family tradition for us and a great way to introduce your children or grandchildren to fishing.

To locate an event visit